Taiga kind of ruined my life and I didn’t even mind. The ride has you board a big-ass bird inside its big-ass nest and proceed to swoop around Finland performing the kind of aerial acrobatics that birds probably do when they’re on acid.
Hey Sean, greetings from the future. I have to say, we’d all been waiting for the day you’d finally put these travel blogs together into a kick-ass travel book. But now that it’s here, I have to admit I’m kinda disappointed. It’s just a bunch of Top 10 lists like ‘Top 10 Signs That This Hike Was a Bad Idea. #1: You’re sweating so much your farts sound like diarrhea.’
"Buongiorno sir, welcome to the Uffizi Gallery." "Hey there. You got any paintings without Jesus in them?" "Yes of course sir, right through that door marked EXIT." "Hey! There's a Jesus painting out here!" *sound of door slamming*
I was not prepared for how beautiful the people in Italy are. I stepped off the train from Austria into the Stazione di Venezia Santa Lucia in Venice and immediately said “Italy? Holy Shitaly!” It was that striking.
After a few hours of pushing, I reached Zmatt, probable typo and the last town before Zermett. Cool, almost there! I passed through the tiny town and followed the trail as it... turned hard left and went straight up the mountain, again. Oh Switzerland, you bastard.
“Luxem- Dammit Sean stop making up countries.” I did indeed go to a place called Luxembourg, where the Luxembourgers live. The people there speak Luxembourgish and I am totally not making that up.